Jack and his group are very violent. They dance and sing, Kill the beast! Cut its throat! Spill its blood! Their main focus is hunting and hurting people. An example of them hurting people is when it says Jack tied Wilfred up and none of the other group members untied him. Roger throws rocks at other boys and Jack and his group poke Sam in the ribs and force Sam and Eric into their group. After they killed Simon, Jack says that Simon was the beast in disguise. Jack does not feel guilty at all about killing Simon.
Ralph had many good ideas for his group. He made rules that he thought would think help them survive on the island. His first rule was that they must have the fire going all day and all night long. Other rules were that they had to go to the bathroom away from the fruit trees and that the person with the conch was the only one allowed to talk. Each of these rules had a reason. The fire would help them be rescued, the bathroom rule would help keep things more sanitary, and the conch would keep things more organized.
I think that in the end, all human society does take the risk of becoming violent and only caring about themselves. Jack only cared about himself being safe and being in power. The rest of Jacks group does not care about anyone, they just want to hunt and kill. None of them were affected when they killed Simon or Piggy, and all of them were participating in the act of trying to kill Ralph. Piggy only felt a little guilty about killing Simon but still tried to make and excuse saying that it was an accident. I believe that Ralph was the only one that did not change a lot because he still cared about everyone including Piggy. Ralph is the one that wants to make peace with Jack and Ralph felt really guilty about killing Simon and admitted that it was murder.